#Mini city 3d play carpet how to
If you’ve been contemplating how to theme your small playroom a play rug is a perfect way. The IVI 3D Play Carpets have a variety of different themes such as Mini City and Farm, which help to cultivate your child's imagination. Because a play rug is a unique facet of the play area where the child can express themselves in a whole new world.

Play rugs have a unique ability to add a dimension to the playroom that you wouldn’t have with carpet or a traditional solid-colored rug alone. The play rug is a great way to theme a playroom if you don’t generally know what direction to take. If you can’t go around due to limited space it will work much better to go upwards. Corner shelves also work great because you can utilize tight corners and small spaces to work toward your advantage. Plastic bins and shelving are also preferable for young children because the colorful shelves can teach them to put their toys away neatly. Shelves also mean that there will be fewer toys scattered around the flooring, which keeps the room nice and neat. You can theme these shelves for different types of toys such as plushies, cars, dolls, and more. Colorful shelves can be a welcoming place where children can keep their toys for easy reach. This means that you need to use the space that goes upwards, and this means incorporating lots of shelving and bins. The first thing that you’ll want to do when it comes to creating a playroom in a small space is to utilize shelving. You can still have a phenomenal play area with a smaller amount of space, it’s all about utilizing the space that you have. There is a common misconception that children need a lot of space to be able to enjoy themselves, but that isn’t the case at all. There are still a ton of fun things that you can do and incorporate into a limited area. Designing a playroom for your children can be a fun and enticing experience, but what if you are limited on interior space? Well, a small space doesn’t have to limit your imagination.